Monday, May 24, 2010

Tofu Day

AHA! went to the tofu exhibition at Petronas Galleria. Feel like going again. @.@

Check this out~! except tofu, there are a lot more of cool exhibitions inside! ^3^

So cute the drawings~ Tofu and other families from Devilrobots.

aw so sad the tofus~

see clearly, there is actually little fofu inside his stomach!

Same type of photography skill? @.@ no skill at all. hahaha. mua tofu~

AW! broken tofu still smiling. so sad :'(

Sushi time with Sh after that. She was starving! hahaha. I didn't eat much though. hehe.

I'm satisfied! she said. HAHAHA. my own script :p

Nice going outing with u~~ mwah mwah~~

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Heechul Video Entry with FTI Hongki and TRAX Jungmo 03.15.2010


Video Trans:
heenim: ah , we took this video because we don’t know how to change to photo mode.
heenim: quick! make some pose. i count, try using this to capture 1…2…3…
heenim: ya ya ya what is this? this is… don’t know… my first time using… ya ya ya… faster.. last time

HAHAHA. really wth. took videos because they don't know how to change it to capture picture mode. HAHA. cute though.HAHA

Hongki's birthday party on 15th March. hoho. Hyung nim was there too. LOLS

Friday, May 21, 2010

The crazy post

accidentally found this pic. *.* AWWW~~ so cute~ Baengshin. hahaha

Tweet of DongHae~

희님이랑 뱅신이랑 숙소에서 ^^ 날씨완전 좋은데. 우린 숙소 ㅜㅠ
5:30 PM Apr 29th via Twitpic [ LINK ]

With Heenim and BaengShin at the dorm^^ It’s so sunny outside but we’re insdieㅜㅠ

then this one. @.@!! princess's cat. HeeBum. O.O arrrhhh. so cute~~

Tweet of Dong Hae again. hahaa

오늘은 희범이랑 한 컷 ㅎㅎ good night ^^
1:38 AM Apr 30th via Twitpic [ LINK ]

With HeeBum today ㅎㅎ good night ^^

So much like a girl! O.O Heechul princess~~天上天下 希澈獨尊~~

and heebum again! awwww. cute thing~

HeeChul Princess's tweet~ 이건 우리 희범이♥ 얜 까칠해서 사진 찍기 완전 힘듦ㅡㅡ+ HeeBum. 이것도 20컷 정도 찍었는데 겨우 하나 건진거임..
8:03 PM Apr 24th via twtkr [ LINK ] This is our Heebum ♥ He’s hostile so taking pictures of him is the most difficult ㅡㅡ+ HeeBum. I took about 20 pictures but I only saved this one..

Baeng Shin~~

HeeChul Princess's tweet~ 무럭무럭 크고 있는 뱅신. 뭘봐 이 뱅신아 ^∇^
7:38 PM Apr 24th via twtkr [ LINK ] Baengsin has grown up really quick. What are you looking at, baengsin~ah ^∇^

Heechul princess catty~ lol

From Sung Min's CY:

Our Senie*’s foot sole** ㅋㅋ Is now the background of my cellphone..

Too pretty~~~It is soft so it was very goodㅋ

Our Hyaku kept playing and then fainted because was too tired.

Couldn’t hunt the toy mouse(,) was slower than Sen..
But could eat junk food..ㅋ
Lately a little…Sluggish(?) our Hyaku…

Always pick a fight with Senie but couldn’t beat him..ㅋㅋ

So loveable our Hyaku..^^

Then saw in Sungmin's twitter. The cats. @.@!! awwww


These from SungMin's black smile twitter~~

Sigh, but he had decided to send them away. Sigh. Members and himself got their windpipes affected. @.@!! sighhh


From Heechul princess's twitter again =.=: (freak me) Wow it’s well drawn. I’m giving up on my diet, about to to eat BoSsam with DongHaeㅋ I’m so tired todayㅠㅠ Thanks HaeIn for talking to me while songs were played

근데 그림에 희범이 뿐이 없네. BangShin이 없어ㅠㅠ
11:30 PM Apr 26th via twtkr [ LINK ]

But then there’s only HeeBum in the photo. No BangShinㅠㅠ 이게 원본인가 보네? 저 커튼 걷는 남정네는 누구지? 庚?
11:56 PM Apr 26th via twtkr [ LINK ] Guess this is the original pic? Who’s the guy at the curtain? Geng?

Sigh... Geng...

Then Teuki oppa aaa O.O!!

another day he tweeted:

Hello~!! world E.L.F.^^ how are you~? i`m fine thank you~~ i miss you~~.. 영어 진짜 짧다…ㅋㅋㅋㅋ영어공부해야지..ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
11:12 PM May 1st via twtkr [ LINK ]

Hello~!! world E.L.F.^^ how are you~? i`m fine thank you~~ i miss you~~.. a really short English…ㅋㅋㅋㅋhave to learn more..ㅋㅋㅋ

So cute~~

Found Yesung's torte! OMGDS! I want... TT.TT suddenly missing my tortes again. TT.TT

Yesung and his brother looked so alike!
Yesung wrote: save the world. HAHAHA. so cute~

Is this you? Yesung Oppa~~
WAAAAA. Yesung with Eunyuk ya~~~~~ (l) (l)

Then saw HeeChul's doll. HAHAHA

Translation from Twelfs of his post from his CY 3rd of March 2010:

Too great (ºㅁ º )=b <<>

But the one on the left looks like me.. Who’s on the right;;

Is that me too(-┏)

(Or) Heebumie (his cat) became human..

The one on the right! My future girlfriend!(+_+)

Ah Good sense

Actually i don't really fully understand the translation. LOLS

hahahaha. his driving license even got posted in the world wide web. HAHAHA. what a smile. really is a Kim Hee Chul-style of smile. LOL

Posted in 希 Style Album
2010.03.29 02:24
Title: Kim Hee Chul’s Young Street
Kim HeeChul’s YoungStreet
From 8:00 to 10:00 PM

I have already crossed over the path of youth but I am a soul who still has an ambitious mind

Going with a photo that has the most welcomed hairstyle 잇힝*(-┏)
But my real hair is as I want it 마이동풍**

* 잇힝 is kind of like ㅎㅎ in a way.. just what you say.
** 마이동풍-(馬耳東風) a chinese / korean saying meaning it’s like saying to a deaf ear.

Heechul @.@.@.@ so cute... @.@.@.@

Finally, oh my goodness ly,

From Go Hyun Bin’s cyworld:


There isn’t any feel when we’re chatting normally,
But when I’m watching him on the television or on a video,
I’ll unconsciously say “Wow, it’s Kim Hee Chul!”

Indeed, what’s being captured by your eyes is very important.
After a second look, why is his nose bridge so high?

Heechul commented on this entry:

Kim Heechul: That was before I broke my nose.. ㅠㅠ (2010.04.05 23:46)


My heechul oppa~~~~~~ (l)(l) omgggg

In the end, from SJ to cats to tortoises to Heechul princess~~ woohoo. Too free. Let's stop this. HAHAHA


Boom Boom. lols.

self controlling.

self controlling.

please do more meaningful thing. LOLS


BOOM! 姐心情没有很好。日本啦。旅行也这么麻烦啊。






*去爬broga hill嘛!

* 每星期都爬山,等下我骨断啊。。。

* 你这么差的麼?


* 这样你要怎样爬。。。




(喷!差点喷汤。>.< 过了很久才把汤吞了。哈哈哈)




Saturday, May 15, 2010



这个假期,我姐说我变成了一个100%的himono onna, 宅女。 我也承认吧。

上个学期开始前的假期,我姐才让我认识了Super Junior。Super Girl - Super Junior-M, It's You, Sorry sorry。。。 @_@ 不停地在听。可是一点都还不认识他们。名字都不记得一个。

学期开始了,喜欢上FTIsland, 那五个宝藏。是啊,他们的歌是多么的悲。听着听着,随着学期渐渐忙了,也没什么时间去追了。之前新年时看了做个好爸爸,认识了希澈,坏坏的,我却很爱。

就三月,突然龙给我一封简讯,让我和佳敏看得了一场实在毕生难忘Super Junior 的演唱会,Super Show2.









nah, 刚才才看了一下下公主的回应,感谢特,他们都哭了,好酸,真的好酸。啊啊啊啊啊啊啊。





我想着那些anti,其实也很不明白,为舍要这样。大家都很努力,为舍要anti。@_@ 不明白,又有点生气。


我不知道自己会迷恋他们多久。特说,他想保存、保护Super Junior这个名字直到永远。我想我也会永远记得自己曾经那么喜爱过他们。


可能刚才笑太多了,有后遗症。他们真的让我笑翻了。现在突然 @_@

加油加油!@_@ 13 只加油!!

李特,队长很辛苦吧。让我有一种会吃醋的男儿啊。不要再流泪了。T_T 这么努力的保护着每一位队员,常对别人深深地鞠躬不起,也好想对你深深地鞠躬一下 orz
韩庚,感觉上很有自信的一个,一个人漂洋过海,让我有一种很孤独的感觉。店开了,房子买了,继续加油啊!快点回来吧! T-T
艺声,好努力却似好像常不被人看好。说到妈妈都软了。 T.T 歌声又是如此动听!

强仁,爱恶作剧的一个啊。会很想念你。T.T 强悍,应该怎样都会有软弱的一面吧。

晟敏,很可爱。 其实,我觉得,你也很男人。嘿嘿。



丽旭,也是水做的哦呀。抱抱!love love~

起范,就,自然也很喜欢你了。就,那么照顾希澈。感动。(l) 演艺加油咯。也期待你回来。:)


对,你们13个就是Super Junior。1 数到13,就不哭了。:')


数到13,我就不哭 by-欣薇丹

很 久都没哭过了,虽然这里的工作刚开始时又累又迷茫又压力大,但因为有亲人朋友在身边,所以不觉得难过或孤单,所以也就不曾掉泪。我很爱哭而且因为爱哭被人 说过,是有点丢脸,但像今天这样为一群素为谋面的人流泪,感觉很好。妈妈看着我有点莫名其妙,她一定不明白刚刚下班回来的女儿为什么哭成这样?受委屈了 吗?被欺负啦?为什么哭的那么伤心?妹妹肯定也觉得奇怪吧。其实没人欺负我,只是因为一群我很喜欢很爱的人罢了。
快满22岁的我其实已经过了迷恋 偶像的年纪,只是很不凑巧的在我的21岁里喜欢上了这么一群人:super junior——离我很遥远又很近的13人。很遥远是因为他们是偶像,而我只是一个很普通的Fan,很近是因为我那么喜欢他们以致于了解了很多他们的故 事。在很长一段时间里,他们是我生活的动力,激励着我给我勇气。在我伤心失望难过甚至绝望的时候,想到身处异国他乡语言不通却对自己说“一个人在韩国,要 加油,要坚强”的韩庚,想到全身上下没一处不痛的李特,想到为了出道拼命减肥的强仁和丽旭,想到遭遇车祸严重却告诉粉丝“不放弃,死不了”的圭贤,想到练 习了很多年辛苦了很多年的恩赫,想到在父亲去世后马上就回归舞台只是为了给歌迷们完整的13人舞台的东海,想到努力说服父母靠自己的努力进娱乐圈的始源, 想到一直努力坚持自己演员梦想的基范,想到刚出道时没多少镜头却依然乐观的艺声,想到说为了super junior好愿意退出的神童,想到获奖时拉着哥哥搂着哭泣的弟弟自己忍住眼泪的晟敏,想到天下唯我独尊却能为弟弟们做很多事情的希澈,会感到很安心很有 希望,然后继续奋斗下去,坚持下去......
我不是一个疯狂的粉丝, 我没有因为13个人中谁更帅谁发展的更好而特别喜欢他,我没有跟着他们到处跑,我没有因为他们不谈恋爱,我没有因为他们逃课或不上班,我只是把他们当做哥 哥一样在心里爱护着喜欢着。会很认真的欣赏他们的MV,听他们的歌,看他们的综艺节目。喜欢他们13个人在一起的感觉,相信他们之间会有吵闹却无人能及的 感情,感动于他们之间的默契,支持着尊重着他们的每个决定。很多时候只要看着海报或节目就能舒心的笑起来。
我想很多他们的粉丝更喜欢的是他们之间 的感情吧,我也是。有这么一群兄弟一直在身边,再大的困难也不怕。漫长的训练期,艰苦的新人期,受难的出道中期,到现在闻名于亚洲的高峰期,13个人吃了 多少苦啊!这些年的感情真的无法用语言表达的,也是我们无法理解无法拥有的,更是无比羡慕的。
只是,现在是个什么状况啊?13人的组合却变成10 人的演唱会,本该充满欢笑的演唱会大家却都哭了,连从不在舞台上哭的人也哭了,怎么办?真的要怎么办?什么时候能看到13个人的完整舞台,要疯了啊!看着 贴吧里那些哭泣的面孔,我真的忍不住了,狠狠的大哭了一场。我的super junior,我的四辑,五辑,我的三巡,四巡......我的13人的完整舞台,我的韩庚,我的希澈,我的李特,我的强仁,我的圭贤,我的晟敏,我的丽 旭,我的艺声,我的恩赫,我的东海,我的神童,我的始源,我的基范,我的永远13人的super junior......
有人跟我说:不管是什 么样的结果,我们都会一直站在他们身边的,10年,20年......会一直在一起的。26个字母中少了SJ两个不是24个,而是21个,因为ELF也不 在了。是的,既然喜欢上了爱上了,那就不管出现什么情况,都会和他们一起来,因为他们是super junior,我们是E.L.F——Ever Lasting Friends——永远的朋友啊!
忽然感觉自己很幸运,遇到的是这样的偶像——super junior和这样的粉丝——E.L.F,这真的是一群很可爱的人,虽然遥远却值得珍惜,会一直放在心里面的。
利特不哭、希澈不哭、 韩庚不哭、始源不哭、银赫不哭、圭贤不哭、艺声不哭、东海不哭、神童不哭、丽旭不哭、强仁不哭、基范不哭、晟敏不哭、E.L.F不哭、我不哭。
也许很久很久以后,你们不再叫做super junior
我们依然叫做——E.L.F——Ever Lasting Friends——永远的朋友
就请让我们, 一起老去。

好想念那一个晚上。写完了才发现这篇转贴真的很贴切。@_@ 不多写了,不贴照片了。


Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Some lately stuffs

Having holiday right now. 1 week had past

Very luckily,I didn't think bout nonsense much. 脑袋放空,很容易就会胡思乱想。还好没有。

I told my mama n sis, this holiday seems like a treasure to me, like a cancer patient having their last 1 month of days to live.hahahahaha. Yea, some sort like this. Too exaggerating though. When the holiday ends, the semester starts again, there goes my life. Got one senior once told me that we have to learn how to give and take. Means to sacrifice when I've already chosen this way.

Nah, he actually doesn't need to remind me of this. I understand and I did.

My hamster missing in action. @___@

Surprise 21st birthday party for Julia the other day @ initially-MysteryPub-change-to-LaundryBar-to Sanctuary.LOL

Realized some close friends made some hard choices last time and still doing very very good, feel so happy for them. Nothing is right or wrong in that case, as long as it's true and happy. :') Nah, I'm enjoying myself anyhow. :p

Made cards, made food. happy happy. ^^

Muahahahha. yum yum. :PP For mama's day :)

Watching Iris these 2 days. realize it's quite similar with 痞子英雄。not bad lar. :)

btw, today's mama's birthday.

bobo bobo~~~ happy birthday! :D

Saturday, May 8, 2010

happy birthday :D

Because it's your 21st, feel like writing a blog post to wish you happy birthday again. lalala. mou liu

BBQ 2003 i think
wth. hahaha
I somehow thinks this is the perfect photo of us. lol
LOL in cinema
BFF forever. (L)